Registration : from January 1, 2025

Before registering, please read carefully all the information on the Introduction page.



3960 ancien chemin de Salernes - 83570 - Cotignac - FRANCE

Participants are strongly advised to take out individual accident insurance extended for cycling (unless they have a sports license including such insurance).

The organizer has no individual accident insurance for participants.

The organizer did not take out insurance for the repatriation of the participants.

The organizer is insured in civil liability, in accordance with Article L321-1 of the French Sports Code.

Needed information

You can send a simple email by copying and completing the text below until the signature. 

Last name

First name

Date of birth

Man / Woman

Full name of your cycling club (or: independent)

Full address


Cell phone number during the ride

Contact in case of accident

I have read the 1000 du Sud Rules and I accept them without reservation.

By registering for Le 1000 du Sud, I certify on my honor that I am in sufficient physical condition to perform the event, and that I have read the safety instructions.

Date, Signature


Registration deadline

There is none. You can register at the start. Please register sooner, to make it easier for the organisers!

If you register at the start, you will have to wait until your brevet card gets prepared, which might delay your start.

Registration fee  : € 150

Includes costs related to the ride organisation, parking and use of facilities at 1000 du Sud base camp for the duration of the ride, a dinner served Monday evening before the first start, a breakfast served Tuesday morning before the second start.

Your registration will be effective upon receipt of your payment.

How to pay

   PayPal from other countries : please contact us to calculate the fees charged by PayPal

Rider limit

There is none.